Friday, January 3, 2020

The Classical Theory Of The Law Of Nature And The Social...

The classical theory of the law of nature and the social treaty of John Locke can be found in the fundamentals of the modern, especially in the Anglo-Saxon, governmental institutions. This work of his exceeds the borders of one particular historical political event. Locke’s political theory is a classical example of a normative doctrine that leaves Aristotle’s famous separation between the theoretical and practical disciplines and connects politics with ethics on the principles upon which law is established on. Generally, Locke’s political theory is often connected with the term liberalism. That liberalism of this famous Englishman is not mainly about economics, especially not in that practical thought where everyone can freely take as much as they please to. Locke’s liberalism is eminently civil; he primary leans are on the freedom and the sovereignty of the individual. I would like this topic to be affirmed on the Balkans, the region where I come from and where Locke’s heritage is rarely analyzed, to be included in the modern understanding of the legitimate institutions that Locke marks as a prerogative government and the right of resistance to the government. The question of understanding political power Locke significantly stands out from the other representatives on the theory of the social treaty, precisely defying in what type of state should people fit as he states in his book â€Å"state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions andShow MoreRelatedBackground And The Enlightenment1546 Words   |  7 PagesBackground to the Enlightenment The Enlightenment was important philosophical, intellectual, cultural, and social movement that spread through Europe in the 1700’s. It involved a new worldview where people looked for answers with reason instead of faith, with a natural approach rather than a supernatural one. 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